Giulio Buciuni

docente di Imprenditorialità Business School Trinity College Dublino e direttore Master in Imprenditorialità

Dr. Giulio Buciuni is an Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Trinity College Dublin and the director of the M.Sc. in Entrepreneurship, which he launched in September 2017. Prior to joining Trinity Business School, he worked as a research fellow at the University of Toronto and at Cà Foscari University of Venice. Professor Buciuni’s research interest focuses on entrepreneurial ecosystems, SMEs’ internationalization strategies and innovation in Global Value Chains (GVC). His most recent research analyses the evolution of industrial clusters and entrepreneurial ecosystems in the global economy. The results of his works have been published in leading academic journals such as Industrial and Corporate Change, Regional Studies, Journal of World Business and Journal of Economic Geography and have appeared on Forbes and the website of Harvard Business School.
He is the author of Periferie Competitive (Il Mulino, 2023)

Dr. Giulio Buciuni is an Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Trinity College Dublin and the director of the M.Sc. in Entrepreneurship, which he launched in September 2017. Prior to joining Trinity Business School, he worked as a research fellow at the University of Toronto and at Cà Foscari University of Venice. Professor Buciuni's research interest focuses on entrepreneurial ecosystems, SMEs' internationalization strategies and innovation in Global Value Chains (GVC). His most recent research analyses the evolution of industrial clusters and entrepreneurial ecosystems in the global economy. The results of his works have been published in leading academic journals such as Industrial and Corporate Change, Regional Studies, Journal of World Business and Journal of Economic Geography and have appeared on Forbes and the website of Harvard Business School.
He is the author of Periferie Competitive (Il Mulino, 2023)

Sabato 23 marzo / ore 18-19.15
Palazzo Chiericati / Sala San Bartolomeo
Piazza Matteotti, 37, Vicenza, VI, Italia
Aldo Bonomi, sociologo, fondatore e direttore Consorzio AASTER e autore di Coesione sociale: che cosa può fare l'impresa?
Giulio Buciuni, docente di Imprenditorialità Business School Trinity College Dublino e direttore Master in Imprenditorialità
Antonio Calabrò, presidente Museimpresa e Fondazione Assolombarda
Stefano Micelli, docente Economia e gestione delle imprese Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, presidente Progetto Manifattura Milano
Cristina Tajani, economista e Senatrice della Repubblica XIX legislatura
Maria Gaia Fusilli, redattrice VeneziePost e autrice de Il marketing dei terzisti (Post Editori)
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